Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dallas Heritage Village

This is a really cool place I work here as a junior historian if you want to become a junior historian you have to take a brief summary about your life why you want to become a junior historian and why you like to interact with people . then all you have to do is go up there for the class (the details are on the website). But if you just want to just want to come to look at the buildings and have a picnic you can do that too here's the website so you can look at it for yourself http://dallasheritagevillage.org/
And if you just want to become a volunteer just do the brief summary and your a volunteer. Although when I asked about it they said they would like people 13 and up to become volunteers but that doesn't mean that you can't become a Junior historian. If you can please go here you won't be making a mistake. You can also become a member (details are on the website)in different levels this place is so cool trust me we also have school field trips, weddings, and birthday parties. They also have people dress up in actual time period clothing!!!!!! is that cool or what. They also have this thing called village academy the spring classes are over but they have summer ones if you choose to do these classes you better hurry because they go fast well that's all I got for now.

until the next time............

p.s. I'm the only boy in this picture!

1 comment:

Grandma Jones said...

I love reading your blog. I find it very interesting. Keep up the great work! Love you